
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hate Trending - Who Is Hating

Aside from the fact that she is a bigot, she does not fully source any of her “facts”, and, most disturbingly, she is preying on young people and obsessing on them. She is almost 50 years old, and spends her time compiling photo after photo of people in their teens and early 20s - claiming she's trying to show proof of an epidemic, but all it proves is her sick obsession. Add to that, that she bullies these young people and publicly humiliates them. As a Psychology major, I can tell you that her body language and facial expressions give away the probability that she has borderline personality disorder, and it's highly likely she was mistreated/assaulted by someone as a child/adolescent. I assume the blogging and vlogging that she believes is a good outlet, probably needs to be replaced by intense therapy and anti-psychotic meds. So my point friends, is to stop letting this mentally scarred, disturbed woman get under your skin. She doesn't represent the majority of the greater GLBT community - at best, she represents a tiny, invisible fraction of the lesbian community. She will NEVER get what she wants. Trans rights are being acknowledged in more and more states, we're moving forward, we aren't going anywhere! Times are changing for the better for the Trans community - and hateful, unhappy people like dirt will be left in the dust - still sitting behind a computer whining about how we shouldn't have what we DO already have!


  1. wonderful mate! thank you for exposing her for what she really is. have a splendid weekend and come visit aus soon :)

  2. Well done, friend. Well done. :]


  3. please let folks know never to engage with her personally, even to try to have a real dialogue with her. she is dangerous and unpredictable. she has stalked people in the past. she really does not care about anything but trying to prove her point. her "feminism" is just a cover for her own agenda of trying to make herself feel better and less insecure. she is a classic hater.

  4. Touche! This is great - you owned her. Thank you 4 posting this :)

  5. Aw man what a perfect entry. Bout time someone took her on like this! I was on her blog this morning and saw where she was telling people to stop commenting to you - looks like you got to her - way to go dude! I am def. sharing your blog and following.

  6. Spectacularly played mate! I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts!

  7. hahaha! I love this so much. Very well said.

  8. Perfect. Enough said.

  9. Anon 12:57 - Agreed. She is mentally unstable and clearly hates herself and her female body - she proves that by the way she projects hatred onto so many people she doesn't even know. I will continue to warn people about her. Thanks for your input and for commenting!

  10. And THANK YOU everyone for the support and for reading!

  11. I'm a major fan of yours now. That's all.

  12. The saddest thing about Lynn Baker’s blog is what could have been – it could have been a blog full of encouragement and resources for butch women, but unfortunately it makes Baker, a butch woman, look petty. Great people do not feel the need to put others down in order to make themselves look better, and true proud butch women and lesbians don’t attempt to victimise trans people to make themselves feel better.

    And I think young women, butch or not, gay or straight or bi, do need to know that they can wear clothes in the men’s section (which are often more comfortable and practical than clothes in the women’s section) and they don’t have to shave their legs or wear make up, and they can love women, and do things that interest them – whether it be sports, dancing, the arts, writing, etc. – and still be women.

    And I think everyone, male or female, masculine or feminine, trans or cis, is obliged to help make society more accepting for these young women, and young men too – to let them know that being female and wanting to have hairy legs or work on motorbikes or have a relationship with a woman doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re a trans man. To let them know that being male and wanting to show emotions or be a dancer or wear make up doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a trans woman.

    It's a shame that young women don't have more female role models who are lesbian, or butch, or gender non-conforming, and it's a bigger shame that someone who could have been a role model turned themselves into the opposite - someone to pity rather than look up to.

  13. Simon - Bravo! Wonderful comment, and I agree with you 100%. She had such an opportunity to be something special to young Butch women, and be someone who made a difference. Instead, she let her own shortcomings and self hatred poison that opportunity. It truly is sad.

  14. Yes, a shame that what could have been a island for butch women and exploring the parameters of feminine and masculine identities, has been turned into a petty rant forum by someone who is obviously deeply unhappy, has no respect for people's gender identities or personal boundaries and safety, and needs professional help.

  15. Hi Extrospection--I'm a psych case on psych meds for real. ;-) It's true. I've never watched Dirt's Youtube, but I've agreed with some of her points because I've always been somewhat uncomfortable with the thought of gender reassignment. Hopefully by now I've clarified that I don't hate anyone. I feel like it's not a good idea for women or men to put chemicals in, do major surgeries. I kind of wonder sometimes how we got here as a society and if it's not all those things you meantioned that cause someone to think they're trans, what is? Why then?

  16. Hey there :) Thanks for reading me back! I myself have agreed with dirt on a few occasions. I agree that there are young people who transition for the wrong reasons, and that it has moved into more of a fad or 'trend' for some. But that doesn't negate the fact that transsexuality is real, and there are those of us out there who walked a hard road to get to where we are and it isn't always by way of being butch first. I, for one, NEVER IDd as a Butch, never. That's the #1 myth running rampant, that we are somehow recruiting from the Butch community. You say you're uncomfortable with the idea of gender reassignment - and I get that. A lot of people can't wrap their minds around it - but that doesn't make it wrong. Like BDSM, it harms people, sometimes severely, and I don't 'get' it, but it isn't for me to judge and those people have the right to their choices. I don't want to see a country where we're controlled any more than we already are. Where someone else decides what I'm allowed to do to/with my body. I had major surgery, and am healthy and happy. This idea that we mutilate ourselves and get all 'hacked up' is a load of BS. My surgery turned out fine, and I am a happier person for it. All I can tell you, and I think I blogged at length about this, is that from the age of 4 I just KNEW I was a boy. Not because of what toys I liked or did or didn't have, or because I was forced to be girly because I wasn't. I wasn't introduced to strict gender roles. I had a mother who ran the show and a father who was sweet, affectionate, and quiet as a mouse. Those 'gender straight-jackets' dirt likes to go on and on about weren't a part of my life. I wish I could explain it so that people such as yourself could get in my head and get it - but honestly, I don't always have the words for how it felt to be me. But what I didn't feel was hatred for myself or pressure to be any certain way. I really appreciate the dialogue with you!

  17. I'm glad you're fine from surgery and I'm glad we're getting to know each other. :-) I think it's significant that you're older--these young people that Dirt shows are often like 18, 19. My oldest son is 19 and I remember 19. I knew it ALL. lol! Yet, everything I thought I knew at 19 has shifted in some manner. At 19 I asked Dr. after Dr. to please fix me because I'd already had 3 children and I was physically and mentally exhausted from being pregnant every year since I was 16. No Dr. would touch it; I was just too young for irreversible stuff. Fortunately Norplant was still available back then and that did work for effective birth control. I'm glad for the ethics of the Dr.'s--years and years later my partner and I would flirt with the idea of having a baby and even though we didn't, I'd have been sick inside to know the possibility was gone. I certainly would hope that no ethical physician would prescribe treatments to a 19 year old that cannot be reversed.

    It's possible that I'm also a little prejudiced from being treated very badly more than once by MTF transgender--one was post-op, one was pre-op. I wasn't in a romantic relationship with either of them, but I knew the pre-op really well whom was friends with the post-op. They were...oh my G-d. Mean! Maybe all those hormones got to messing with their heads a little, but they way I was treated as a person and the way they treated others was still horrible. Another thing about that is the pre-op was self-medicating using birth control pills obtained under the table for the hormone treatments. I know that had to have an effect on how I perceive transgendering. I only ever met a FTM in person one time briefly and he was fine with me--at the time I attributed his nice personality to the fact that he hadn't started any of the hormones.

  18. I agree that these are pretty young people dirt is showing... and my main issue with that is that yes, they put their videos online for others to see, but the manner in which dirt displays them invites humiliation and ridicule, and with the high suicide rates amongst glbt youth - not to mention hate crimes statistics - I find this to be a horrendous act of cruelty and intolerance. So for me, regardless of whether they are 'trenders' and trying to figure out who they are - or possibly truly experiencing transsexualism - they don't deserve to be ridiculed. I don't see the necessity of brow beating or belittling someone whose life choices we disagree with, regardless of the reason, i.e. justifying it by saying they're butchering their "otherwise healthy bodies" - or "removing healthy body parts" and in turn, exaggerating the risks involved.
    As for your personal experience with MTFs - I have only known a few myself and they definitely have a different vibe - but they have walked a completely different path. In some cases, they have a much harder time (I hate this word but no better way to put it) passing, so they don't always have the luxury of choosing to divulge their trans status. So I can see why some MTFs may be angry and or negative - not that it makes it ok, but I can see where it comes from. And as for the FTM - I bet he really was just a nice guy and would've been nice on hormones too :) I've been on hormones for 13 years and never experienced aggressive tendencies, "roid rage" or a change in personality. It does happen, but way more infrequently than people like to claim.
