
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Houston Independent School District Adds Gender ID Protection

Wow, a story coming out of my hometown that doesn't make me ashamed to be a Texan. The HISD has added protection for gender identity and expression to it's anti-discrimination policy. This measure passed unanimously. The policy already included protection for sexual orientation, and now, with this new revision, Houston has moved ahead of many cities across the US that, in the past, have been considered more liberal and inclusive. This new policy change protects both students and employees of the district.

The policy reads:

Employees of the District shall not discriminate on the basis of or engage in harassment motivated by age, race, color, ancestry, national origin, sex, handicap or disability, marital status, religion, veteran status, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression. A substantiated charge of harassment against a student or employee shall result in disciplinary action.

In addition, another change to the policy, is that a student found to be bullying another student can be moved to another school in the district.

Way to go Houston!


  1. Awesome news! Some days it seems like things may never progress but then when I hear about things such as this, it gives me hope. As much as the haters want for TG/TS people to go away, there's nothing they can do about it, we're here and we're finally beginning to get some rights and protection! A change is coming!

  2. It truly is great news Benjamin :) Don't focus on the haters - they're the minority in the community. Focus on the future, because the climate IS changing and it's only going to get better! Thanks for reading.
