
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Beware of Man Hate (Misandry) Disguised as Feminism

Feminism purports to concern itself with equality - but much of radical feminism perpetuates mistrust, division and hatred between the genders. Respect between the sexes should be a two-way street. I get that it hasn't always been that way for women, I realize that full women's suffrage wasn't realized in this country until 1920. There's still A LOT of work to do, I realize that women still make less than men in similar positions with similar, oftentimes, greater qualifications. I realize that women are victims of violence in greater numbers than men. I GET all that, and I am 100% for equality, and for the misogynistic bullshit to stop. I agree that misogyny still exists - but so does misandry, and misandry is not the solution. With much of the radfem community now, it is evolving into a one-way street where men (bio or otherwise) are expected to be respectful of women (regardless of that woman's attitudes/behavior towards others) while simultaneous disrespect of men is condoned, perpetuated and sometimes even encouraged. I see OVER and OVER on certain radfem blogs, every time a transman gets upset over a nasty post, or shows any defensiveness whatsoever, he is called misogynistic. Yet the women on those blogs say the most vile things back to them, and make broad, sweeping statements about men in general, and that's ok. They refuse to EVER accept responsibility for their own behavior. Lesbian feminists see transmen as becoming one with, and one of the oppressors - as well as caving in to societal misogyny. Countering the skewed opinions of many of these radfems however, many (most) transmen do not abandon their feminist principles when they transition. In fact, many of them become the kind of men a lot of women hope for, and would like there to be more of. We lived for years as women, we know all about oppression, violence, and misogyny. Many of us, myself included, still fight for women's rights, and use our male privilege (a term I wish didn't need to exist) to add a feminist voice among other men. To call all transmen misogynists is hateful, and has no basis in fact whatsoever. The queer community is very divided as it is, whether it be by race, class, age, physical appearance and ability, politics, educational achievement, etc. To further divide it according to individual gender identity/expression is only going to adversely affect political change, and social transformation for everyone in the greater GLBT community. There is strength in numbers - and you can't expect equality for yourself while denying it to another.


  1. I'm really glad you posted on Dirts blog - you may be the one good thing to happen from that piece of shit blog. I like hearing what you have to say. I came out as a butch a couple of years ago and what really pisses me off is that Dirt and all her friends talk about FtMs trying to brainwash people, but they do it themselves!!! I had two different older butch friends try to get me to hate FtMs and other transgender people. I dont really get it, we're different, big deal. I love being butch and would never want to transition, and I feel bad that other lesbians treat you guys like shit because I think we're both brave in our own individual ways. Thanks for sharing your side of it, and please don't think all lesbians hate you. Those kind of assholes are destroying the community.

  2. I also found your blog from a comment you posted on dirtywhiteboi's blog. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and showing people that transphobia is real. I look forward to reading more!

  3. Anon:

    Misery loves company my friend. I'm sure the feminazis ARE trying to expand their numbers - in fact, it's a big part of why dirt does what she does with that blog. How many people have you seen comment on there and say that they had never thought of it that way, and that they've learned a lot from reading her. If her blog was based in reality AT ALL, it would be one thing. But the fact that she skews truths, and flat out lies makes it disgusting. She's trying to manipulate others into joining her hate campaign. I'm glad you didn't fall for that and that you chose to think for yourself. I know all lesbians don't hate us, some of my favorite people in the world are lesbians, including some strong, courageous Butches whom I admire. Thanks for reading!

  4. AJ -

    I'm glad you found your way here, thanks for reading!
