
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Happy International Butch Appreciation Day!

So, contrary to popular bullshit, I KNOW that FTMs and Butches are not the same people, cut from the same cloth. I admire the strength and fierceness of a Butch woman, and I'm glad there's a day to appreciate all they add to our community. I have known - and do know - some amazing Butches throughout my lifetime, and even though I appreciate them every day, I honor them today. The Butches who are self confident, strong, proud, and don't define themselves or their community based on what everyone else is doing. Butches who enjoy the diversity of the LGBT community, and support EVERYONE involved in the struggle for equality. You know who you are! The few, sad Butches who want to tear this community apart, and who call for the oppression of another minority group to build themselves up, are a disgrace. You know who you are too, and you should be ashamed of the negative light you shed daily on your Butch community. But, I digress. Celebrate Butch today everyone! Tell a Butch how much you admire them!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Importance of Diversity & Tolerance

"In Germany they first came for the communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me - and by that time no one was left to speak up."

- Rev. Martin Niemoller

Diversity enriches our lives. Much as the biological diversity of an ecosystem increases its stability and productivity, cultural diversity brings together the resources and talents of many people for the shared benefit of all. Sadly, the differences among us have historically formed the basis of fear, bigotry, and even violence. People fear diversity simply because they are accustomed to the way things used to be and change makes them uncomfortable. The fact is, there are more trans people becoming visible now, and I'm not talking about the trenders - the really young people who I've admitted repeatedly, are toying with gender to make a statement or to be different. I'm talking about transsexuals. I'm talking about people like me, who grew up with this. It's become safer to be out. We've always been there - we were just mostly invisible. I get that transsexuality isn't easy to wrap one's mind around... it's confusing. Some choose to enlighten themselves and try to understand it, some just concede that we all have a right to our identities whether others get it or not. And some decide to take the road to intolerance.

If you do not understand another's values, lifestyle, or beliefs, it is much easier to belittle them. And so the seeds of prejudice and intolerance are sown. You don't have to agree with, or promote another person's identity, but tolerance is something that we OWE one another when it comes to how we identify. We are intolerant if we reject or dislike people because they are different, or have a different set of values, or challenge our ideas when it comes to identity. And intolerance harms not only its intended victims, but society at large, as well. No one who believes in democratic pluralism should accept any intolerance or infringement on freedom of expression - and that includes gender expression. Democracy is based upon the idea that we can have differences in opinion and still get along. These democratic principles are threatened whenever anyone suffers from intolerance. Tolerance, (loosely defined), is not prohibiting that which you disapprove of. Must we tolerate anything and everything? Of course not and few people, if any, claim that we must. To embrace tolerance does not mean one must allow and accept obvious injustices. But my being a transsexual doesn't hurt YOU. I am not hurting anyone. I am not committing any injustice against another person. I deserve tolerance, as do you. If someone is tolerant of me being transsexual, that does not mean that they must transition themselves or even approve of my transgender status. And it certainly doesn't mean they must give up their own identity or values. This idea that tolerating and respecting my choices in life results in killing YOUR identity, well it's just ridiculous. And specifically, I am talking about the idea that transmen are somehow destroying the Butch identity. It's smoke and mirrors, and it is histrionics. It's a really lame excuse for intolerance.

Intolerance compromises our integrity by encouraging us to treat others badly. Intolerance is used to stigmatize, silence, and, on occasion, target people whose identities challenge our own self-esteem and ideologies. It is often assumed that people who experience one form of oppression and discrimination are less likely to discriminate against others. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily true. Especially when we're talking about the GLBT community. Is it too much to ask, that we ALL learn a little respect for the contribution of the ‘other’ – whereby the ‘other’ is treated with deference, courtesy and compassion, in an endeavor to safeguard the integrity, dignity, value and social worth of the individual, and of society?